Tuesday 18 December 2012

Things That Don't Make Sense!

Ok y'all, I'm back! It's been weeks ever since I've posted and my "I'm Back Post" starts by how I hate it when things don't make sense! Example 1:
Censorship makes No sense:
Why is a movie Rated PG13 if there's adult things and cursing or violence and killing!
Why is it good for woman to go around wearing bikini's but when wearing underwear it's bad...it's the same thing except one is more sexier than the other?!
Why is it that people aren't allowed to see woman's boobs but they're allowed to see man boobs? What the heck is the difference? Is it because one produces milk and the other one doesn't? So what we must do is censor all the cow's little boobs because it's like 4 boobs eating grass and moo(ing) at the walls! (sighs) Sorry it's just my tipping point... heehee get it? Tipping... Cow Tipping.

My other Problem:
Why would people LIE to their Children:
Firstly if my child acts a question obviously I would tell her/him the truth! This is what parents say when the child asks a bellow average question:
Child: Dad where do babies come from?
Dad: Well son when a man loves a woman they call Mr. Stalk and he delivers you!
Child: That means I'm adopted...so I'm part stalk, that means I can fly! :D *stupid look on child's face*
Is that what you want? Lies Kill Stupid Kids.
What GOOD parents would say to their kids:
If my child asks the question I would obviously be honest!
Child: Dad where do babies come from?
Dad: The ******
Chid: Ooooh! *.*

I  won't lie to my child, if he/she acts a question I will be 100% honest, like seriously? The truth won't hurt the kid... it will make him smarter than the kid that got lied to and is currently dead! .-.

My other Problem:
When you were a kid and you came home crying it's not because someone said a "bad word" its because they said, "I don't wanna play with you you're ugly!"
How is a word like the F and B word bad for our society? Why can you say the word hate but you can't say the word "F***"... It won't hurt your feelings, it's just a word that describe how much you hate things!
But people will try their best to NEVER swear. *********************************************************************************
~Ok people I'm done arguing! :D This was, "THINGS THAT DON'T MAKE SENSE!" Hope you loved reading! ♥.♥


  1. OMG!!! I liked the "boobs" part! Like, WTH?! Why are we allowed to see a man's boobs and not allowed to see a woman's? Does it mean it produces milk? Than that means we should make a cow wear a bra! Still, you made your point across...

    1. I agree w/ Cakepops mostly except for the rant! I love getting all ranty!

    2. OMG IKR! :-P... I don't think that they have a size for 4 pink boobs. I think a Sports Bra is in order... .-.

  2. Ha ha! This is hilarious! Did you get the idea from NigaHiga?
